On-Demand PrEP is another way you can use the power of PrEP to remain HIV-negative. It involves taking the same anti-HIV medications as Daily PrEP – just round the times you need it’s protection rather than each day.
Why do it On-Demand?
Whether you take your PrEP daily or On-Demand you should talk to your doctor about which is the right choice for you. On-Demand PrEP has not been proven to provide good protection for vaginal/front-hole sex. Trans guys can still benefit from amazing protection by using Daily PrEP.
Some of the reasons guys might take their PrEP on-demand might be that they are:
- In a mostly monogamous relationship with an agreement about protection within the relationship. PrEP might only be needed here and there when fucking new partners.
- Not having sex that often! If sex doesn’t happen that often, you may prefer to take less medication.
- Experiencing ongoing side effects from PrEP. Most people don’t experience side effects on PrEP, but taking less of the medication may suit some guys who do.
- Needing some flexibility. If you use condoms most of the time but want the option with certain partners to mix it up, you want that choice.
- Having a sex holiday! you’ve got your protection strategy sorted here at home, but if you’re traveling and want a bit of freedom to fuck and stay protected you can opt-in to PrEP for a short while.
How to start: 2 to start up
Ok, so you’ve got a hot fuck coming round? Great! Take two PrEP pills together between 2-24 hours before you’re planning to fuck. 2 hours is the latest you can take it – so that your PrEP has enough time to absorb into your system.
Keep going: 1 pill
Take a single PrEP pill 24 hours after your first double dose. It’s important to time this dose 24 hours after your 2 ‘starter’ PrEP pills, not based on when you actually fucked.
Time to stop: 1 more pill
Take another single PrEP pill 24 hours after your last dose. You’re done! So long as you have had two sex free days where you took PrEP you’re protected!
What happens if…
Now that’s all well and good for a single fuck – or maybe one session, what happens if your sex isn’t as simple as that? Well, if:
They cancel: That hot guy off the apps you’re planning to fuck tonight went cold – or plans changed? If you’ve already taken your two ‘starter’ pills – no stress. Simply don’t take the two single ‘after’ pills.
Get lucky again: Say you have a great fuck, and then a few hours later you have another great fuck. Awesome! So long as you haven’t taken your either of the single PrEP pills – just follow the golden rule as above, like this: [2 + SEX+ 1 + 1]
Another day, another fuck: If you’re doing it On-Demand, and you’ve taken your single PrEP pill after sex, but then get another fuck… great! all you have to do is add an extra day of single PrEP, like this:
[2 + SEX+ 1 + SEX + 1 + 1] You’ve had two days of PrEP after your last sex. You’re covered.
Fucking later on: If you have a fuck, and finish up your On-Demand PrEP, then you have another fuck planned within a week – you don’t need to double dose! So long as your next fuck is 7 days or less since your last PrEP pill, your ‘starter’ PrEP becomes a single PrEP pill, like this: [2 + SEX+ 1 + 1 … + 1 + SEX+ 1 + 1] You still finish up the same way, with two sex free days of PrEP.
Fuck in a week: If you finish up your fuck and On-Demand PrEP and have a sex session planned more than a week after your last PrEP, just start the PrEP cycle all over again, like this: [2 + SEX+ 1 + 1 …….. 2 + SEX+ 1 + 1] Basically you’re just doing On-Demand PrEP twice.
Is the way you’re doing On-Demand PrEP is starting to feel a bit like being back at school and you’re concerned about the timing and doses? Have a think about if Daily PrEP might just be an easier solution.
Stopped and wanna start PrEP again?
Fucking fantastic! You can start and stop PrEP during the times you need it. You don’t need to go for a checkup after each time you use On-Demand PrEP. you do need to return for a check up every 3 months with your doctor, even if you’ve still got PrEP pills left.
So long as your PrEP pills are in date you don’t need to refill your prescription, just check the package or bottle for the date. Your prescription will be written for 30 pills with two repeats. If you’re doing On-Demand you can always pick up one bottle, and save your prescription with the repeats for later – rather than get all 90 pills at once.