
Want to get Re-Wired? When was the last time you had sober sex? When was the last time someone slept over at your house? Is your meth use affecting your relationships and your life?
If you are a man who has sex with other men and want support to address or change your meth use, then maybe the Re-Wired group is for you? Thorne Harbour (formerly the Victorian AIDS
Council) runs a FREE 6 week therapeutic group for men looking to change their meth use. The program is supported by qualified alcohol and other drug counsellors as well as community
health workers. Re-Wired will feature a range of guest speakers and activities that will help you with the tools you need to get Re-Wired. Got questions about Re-Wired or any other
groups and services. Get in touch with Down An’ Dirty.


Address: Level 5, 615 St Kilda Road Melbourne 3004 

(Tram stop #29)


Phone: (03) 9865 6700





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