
Ecstasy is a drug made from MDMA that alters the way we feel by making the brain increase its release of dopamine and serotonin; both of which can make us feel incredibly "loved and beautiful". It falls into the group of stimulants with mild hallucinogenic properties.

In the beginning ecstasy was made primarily from MDMA, nowadays you never know what you are going to get. In the process of making ecstasy tablets, MDMA is being
mixed with other drugs such as speed, caffeine, ketamine, aspirin or acid along with a variety of other common household powders. It can be snorted, shafted
swallowed or injected.

Under the effects of ecstasy there is a boost of confidence and wellbeing, and your state of mind is altered to a level where you will relate and open to other
people’s feelings, thoughts and attitudes much better.

With inhibitions lowered by the use of ecstasy and the pleasure you are experiencing, the way you evaluate and decide upon the level of risk you are willing to take sexually can be compromised. Therefore if condoms and water based lubes are not used the potential for transmitting HIV and other STI’s is increased. In long fuck sessions, check the condom regularly, keep on adding lube and change it every half an hour or with every new partner.

The legal consequences of using, possessing, making and selling ecstasy include fines and imprisonment. Furthermore it is illegal to drive while under the
influence of ecstasy and this can result in a disqualification of your licence.

Short term side effects

Ecstasy enhances your senses, such as vision, hearing and touch which therefore increase your experience of the lights and the music when at a club or dance party.

The sensations of being touched and touching someone else are extremely enjoyable and with a stronger connection to others it is easy to get sexually aroused.


  • Increased energy, dilated pupils, visual distortions, increased sense of touch, insomnia.
  • Dry mouth, headache, loss of balance
  • Muscle tension, teeth grinding, restlessness


  • Ecstasy can lift your mood and give you feelings of love and empathy.
  • euphoria, feeling of well being.
  • Depression and come down after partying.
  • Confusion, short term memory loss.


Long term side effects

The body builds a tolerance to ecstasy, which translates into taking more of the drug to achieve the desired effects.

Long term side effects may include

  • dependence
  • The other negative effect of ecstasy is getting an excess of water within the body causing a really low body temperature
    and swelling of the brain (aka hyponatremia)
  • High blood pressure, memory loss and it has been linked to increased risk of brain damage.
  • Ecstasy can also increase your risk of experiencing anxiety, depression, paranoia and psychosis.

Mixing it

Ecstasy+ Antidepressants can cause serotonin syndrome which requires immediate attention, the symptoms are: not being able to sleep, feeling
agitated, sweating, fast heart beat and muscle spasms. it is best to speak to your GP before taking ecstasy.

Ecstasy+ Alcohol You may not feel the full effects of alcohol, which could lead to vomiting or alcohol poisoning.

Ecstasy+ Stimulants such as speed, cocaine crystal meth ketamine dramatically increases your heart rate and puts the body under a lot of pressure.

Ecstasy+ HIV Meds with protease inhibitors (PI) as part of your HIV treatment, the PIs are likely to increase the effects of Ketamine. You may experience heavier sedation the effects last longer, an increased heart rate and blood pressure. If on Norvir, the combination with Ketamine may increase the risk of drug-induced hepatitis. Check out HIV drug interactions with your specific meds and talk with your GP about your meds alongside any recreational or prescription drugs you are taking.

Ecstasy + PrEP drugs have no known interactions. Which is great! If condoms aren’t being used every time you fuck with partners whose status you don’t know – PrEP could be a good strategy to keep you protected from HIV.



In Emergency

What if shit goes wrong?

Dial 000 if an overdose or an adverse reaction is observed due to ecstasy consumption and remember paramedics are not obliged to involve the police.


If you need help on dealing with drug and alcohol addiction, please contact DrugInfo at 1 300 85 85 84 or visit

Need Help?

Things not feeling great?

If you’re experiencing negative side effects from your Ecstasy use you can access Thorne Harbour Health’s counselling services

For LGBTI drug information check out Touchbase or Harm Reduction Victoria’s drug resources

If you need help on dealing with drug and alcohol addiction, please contact DrugInfo at 1300 85 85 84

If you’re in crisis contact Switchboard  or Lifeline

Ask us anything! Got more questions about ecstasy? Ask our specialists and we’ll get back to you with some help or answers.

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